Autonomous AI Assistants
We specialize in creating custom AI assistants that handle tasks that humans used to do. Collecting data, creating reports, preparing presentations, communicating with your customers. Keep your business strong in a changing and challenging world.
High performance custom systems
We develop and connect systems, web technologies, applications and data with unique know-how to make it work for your business.
With more than 20 years of working on online projects and systems for companies of all sizes, our know-how allows us to provide reliable solutions for any project.
Custom developement
High traffic websites, special online services and applications
We focus on developing highly reliable custom websites, systems and applications (as the revolution starts we also develop ChatGPT powered apps). We provide longterm technical support, maintenance and all hosting services tailored to your custom needs.
C26 s.r.o.
IČ: 00525952, DIČ: CZ00525952
Společnost zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Ústí nad Labem, oddíl C, vložka 26.